Backgrounds & Wallpapers


Graphics, animated GIFs and comics!

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Essential Graphics

10 by 10 Graph
10x10 Grid.png

Multiplication Table.png
Math Tips from Students
Math Tips from students.png
Normal Distributino
Normal Distribution.jpg

PDF Printable Graph Paper and More

Graph PaperImage
6 Graph Papers
Graph PaperImage
PDF Fractals
Graph PaperImage
Best Ever Unit Circle
Graph PaperImage
Algebra, Geom,
Trig Sheets

Free Poster

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For fans of the long-running cartoon from Comedy Central, Southpark, this poster file (16 x 20 inches) is a re-creation of the poster seen in the background of Mr. Garrison's 4th grade classroom, the famous "Math Is...Universal" poster. The astronomical image is known commonly as the Keyhole nebula (open link in new tab), captured from the telescopes at Kitt Peak National Observatory near Tuscan, Arizona. Note, this image is a smaller part of the Carina nebula.

THe font wasn't easy to find, but here it is! The font used is called arcon (click to download the font). You may get this poster printed at any photo printing services, at a size of 16 inches by 20 inches for around $25. Be sure to display the poster in plain sight, you never know what 4th grader will be inspired...🔭

Free Calculator Programs

Developer-oriented emulator of the eZ80-based TI-84 Plus CE / TI-83 / Premium CE calculators. See Games and Links for a link to their website.

Tested- This will run on Widows 11.

Free, and will emulate the TI-84 CE calculator.

Not really intended for students or teachers.

Mr. Borne's Opinion: Not my first choice, but if you really need to use a TI-84 CE, this is your best option. It does work...

a feature-rich graphing calculator emulator for Microsoft Windows, written in C++ by Rusty Wagner.

This download runs on Widows 10.

Free, three-in-one, will emulate the TI-83, TI-89 and TI-92, the last two have a CAS system helpful for factoring, trig and algebra.

Not available for MacOS, Resizing window on screen doesn't look good.

Mr. Borne's Opinion: Works nicely, if you're okay with using calculators from 20 years ago.


A retired developer environment which runs a full working version of the TI-83+, and silver edition.

Tested- This will run on Widows 11.

Free, and fully legal. This was obtained from Texas Instruments many years ago but it is no longer available.

Not available for MacOS, and mouse-only button presses.

Mr. Borne's Opinion: If you need to provide a student a non-web based TI-83+, this is a great choice.

A fully functional version of the HP 10bii+, a top-flight finance/business calculator

This download runs on Widows 10.

Free. Graphics are smooth and perfectly photo realistic.

Some people prefer the HP-12c and this isn't it.

Mr. Borne's Opinion: I love this calculator program, there's nothing bad about it. There is a link to a free web-based HP-12c here,'s HP-12C

The Windows version included with the HP-15c 20th anniversary edition

Tested- This will run on Widows 11.

Free, and fully legal. Scientific / Engineering calculator

If you've never used a reverse polish notation engineering calculator, you may find it difficult to use.

Mr. Borne's Opinion: The gold standard of hard core engineers for many years. There are better options today for doing integration and matrices.